Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Walking Across America Video | Stop-Motion Montage From New York To San Francisco

EMBED-Walking Across The USA - Watch more free videos

I really haven’t done much traveling in my life. Too many commitments, too little money. And it’s a real shame because there are so many trips I’d like to make.

One of these is a road trip across America, which is almost exactly what the guy in this video does. Except rather than driving, he walks. Kind of.

he obviously doesn’t walk the entire way as that would be utter madness and take forever. So instead what he does (no doubt aided and abetted by a few friends) is take around 2,700 snapshots along the way, which have then been compiled into this stop-motion video.

This video makes me realize a couple of things: how dull my life is right now, stuck in the same place and not even having holidays; that America is not only vast but pretty empty between cities.

The Best Dog In The World Video | Aussie’s Canine Friend Fetching A Beer From Fridge

I’m a cat person rather than a dog person. I can’t help it, cats just suit my temperament and personality a lot more than dogs do. However, sometimes I see a dog that I would like to make friends with.

This dog is one of those dogs.

I like my beer, and it has to be cold, so what better than a dog happy and willing to fetch a cold one from the fridge on an evening? Nothing, that’s what.

This 17-month-old Australian Kelpie called Ollie even returns on demand to close the fridge door. How cool is that?

There’s only one thing left to do: train the dog to open the beer for you as he walks the short distance from the fridge. But you can’t have everything, I guess.

Scary Shark Face-Off Video | Surfer Gets Up Close & Personal With Great White Shark

EMBED-Great White Shark Swims Up To Surfer - Watch more free videos

There are certain animals none of us ever really wants to come face-to-face with. Lions and tigers scare the crap out of me, as do sharks and killer whales.

Which means this video has put me off ever going surfing.

I’m not great with water at the best of times. It’s the dark, the depths, the unknown quantity that freaks me out. Which means I don’t venture far from the beach on holiday and try to avoid taking to the water whenever possible.

And after seeing this video nothing has changed. In fact, it’s made me resolve to never enter the water of any stretch of coastline where there is a serious threat of being attacked by a killing machine such as a great white shark.

This guy doesn’t seem that bothered, however, and carries on filming despite being a long way from safety. Bravery or stupidity?

Cute Puppy Hates Medicine | Saddest Reaction Ever!

There comes a time in life when we all must take our medicine, no matter how painful they might be. But few of us have the extreme reaction of this adorable newborn puppy.

I’m not quite sure what was in that syringe, but Fido definitely doesn’t like it! He gags and pulls faces long after I expected him too. The longer he protests, the funnier this video is!

In the end I almost feel sorry for him. I know that the medicine is for his own good, but do we have to torture the poor pup right now? I just want to give him a big cuddle!

Strange Hippos Licking Crocodiles Video | Bizarre Wild Animal Behavior

Some things just can’t be explained, like why we yawn, why we blush when we’re embarrassed, and why hippos like to lick crocodiles.

The latter wasn’t something I knew about either, but this video brings this strange behavior to life.

It seems that while crocodiles are a-feeding, there’s nothing that hippos like more than giving them a great big lick. Personally I wouldn’t go near a croc with snapping jaws if my life depended on it (and it probably would!), but I don’t have a hippo’s physique.

It seems that crocodiles are too intimidated by the hippos to tell them to stop, and so the licking continues. And you thought humans were kinky!

Star Wars Singin’ In The Rain Video | Tokyo Stormtrooper Now With Added Special Effects

Instructions on how to make a good YouTube video: take an already great song in Mint Royale’s Singin’ In The Rain, add in a real-life stormtrooper from Star Wars (well, someone dressed up like a stormtrooper), and then add in some CG special effects.

I love Mint Royale’s version of the classic Singin’ In The Rain. The original video for it is a gem. But everything can be improved by adding some kind of Star Wars element. Which is what they do here.

The original version of this video has a guy in Tokyo dressed as a stormtrooper dancing to the song. But someone, somewhere decided to add some CGI of miniature stormtroopers and even R2-D2 making a cameo.

Absolute genius. I could watch this all day. In fact, I think I will do just that.

Happy Dancing in Grocery Store Video | Scissor Sisters Liven Up Supermarket Trip

Grocery shopping is a necessary evil. No one really likes to do it, except perhaps this guy.

On realizing there was nothing in his fridge he decided to hit up his local No Frills store. All of that sounded fairly mundane though, so he decided to liven things up a little by dancing through the store.

With its pumping Scissor Sisters soundtrack and unselfconscious dance moves, it’s impossible to dislike this video. It’s the most delicious kind of nutty from a man who refuses to live inside the box.

Of course, it doesn’t seem like the most time efficient way to grocery shop as he only ends up with a few items of fresh produce at the end, but it does look like a lot of fun!